Haleck Investments Limited

Haleck Investments Limited

Survivor Samoa Beach Resort

Haleck Investments Limited (Survivor Samoa Beach Resort)
Was established in 2008 and located on 240 acres of freehold land in Falelatai, Fagaiofu is a beachfront property that twice hosted the USA Survivor Television Series. Survivor Samoa Beach Resort will contain 40 Hotel Rooms and 3 to 8 Villas with a bar and restaurant along with an offering of a variety of sports, recreational and leisure activities.

Stars at night
Paradise view
Restaurant View

Our Location

We are in the Falelatai village on the Southwest coast on Upolu Island, which is about one hour drive from Apia and only 15 min drive from Faleolo International Airport.

Contact Us

Haleck Investments Ltd

Vaitele Uta, Apia
Western Samoa

Phone: +685-24097

Email: admin@haleck.com

Survivor Samoa Beach Resort

Falelatai Village Upolu Island
Western Samoa

Phone: +685-7783280

Email: info@survivorsamoabeachresort.com

Contact Haleck Investments Ltd

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